by admin

  1. Everyone is going to take_______in the game.
    A. place B. part C. participation D. role
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: B
    take part in: tham gia
    take place in: diễn ra
    take the role: nhận vai trò gì, nhận công việc gì
  2. We are______ down too many trees all over the world.
    A. breaking B. knocking C. pushing D. cutting
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: D
    break down: hỏng (xe), phá vỡ (The car broke down)
    knock sth/sb down: hạ gục ai/cái gì (A child was knocked down by a car and was sent to hospital)
    cut down: cắt bỏ, đốn (cây)
    push sth down: hạ/giảm xuống (Slow sales have pushed down orders)
  3. She has not yet got________ her recent illness.
    A. by B. through C. over D. out of
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: C
    get by: có đủ tiền (e.g. I don’t earn a huge salary, but we get by)
    get through sth: vượt qua (e.g. I don’t know how we’re going to get through the winter)
    get over sth: khỏe trở lại (It’s taken me ages to get over the flu)
    get out of: tránh, thoát khỏi làm gì (See if you can get out of that meeting tomorrow)
  4. John was tidying the living room while I was cleaning__________the dirty dishes.
    A. away B. out C. up D. off
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: C
    clean away: vứt bỏ
    clean up sth: dọn dẹp
    clean sth off sth: lau/bỏ cái gì ra khỏi cái gì
    clean off: chạy trốn
  5. “It takes about 2 hours, so we should_________ at about six o’clock.”
    A. get in B. get in it C. get it in D. get on
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: A
    get in: đi vào, đến nơi (xe, tàu)
    get sth in: gửi cái gì đi đâu (Please can you get your essays in by Thursday.)
    get on: thành công
  6. The frightened horse began to_______ away from the snake.
    A. fear B. throw C. shy D. tip
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: C
    tip away (at something) tiếp tục làm việc
    shy away: tránh cái gì (vì lo lắng, sợ hãi,…)
    throw sth away: vứt cái gì đi
  7. I can’t say we’re friends. Actually, I don’t______ with him very well.
    A. get up B. get in C. get by D. get on
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: D
    get up: thức dậy
    get on with sb: có mối quan hệ tốt với ai
  8. My sister loves watching TV but I’m not really__ it. I much prefer reading a book.
    A. up to B. out of C. in D. into
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: D
    be up to sth: đang làm gì (What are you up to at the moment?)
    be into sth: thích làm gì
  9. Don’t put __ until tomorrow what you can do today.
    A. down B. off C. out D. up
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: B
    put down: đặt xuống
    put off: trì hoãn
    put out: bỏ ra, dập tắt (lửa)
    put up: ở lại (đâu đó) qua đêm
  10. He used to like rock music when he was younger but now he’s gone___________it.
    A. out of B. off C. away from D. into
    ⟶ Đáp án đúng: B
    go off sth: Không còn thích gì
    go out of: thoát, ra khỏi
    go away from sb/sth: tránh cái gì
    go into: bắt đầu làm một công việc gì

Cre: Cô Mai Phương.

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